Consulting | Marketing | Advertising

Strategic Growth Partner

Public relations

Elevate your brand with strategic PR solutions tailored for success.

1:1 brand management

Empower your brand's journey with expert management strategies.

contract evaluation

Optimize Ad and PR contracts for maximum brand impact.

Professional Development

Improving your public relations,

Try something new

At MJH Consulting, we take pride in our proven ability to navigate the ever-evolving media landscape, offering innovative strategies tailored to both industry giants and burgeoning startups alike. Our public relations experts are dedicated to elevating your brand recognition through strategic partnerships. Let us be your guide as we chart a course towards enhanced visibility and success for your company."

strategic Consulting

1:1 Brand management strategies

At MJH Consulting, I offer specialized brand management services centered on strategic marketing, advertising, and meticulous brand analysis. With a keen eye for market trends and consumer behavior, I delve deep into understanding your brand's unique identity and market positioning. From crafting targeted marketing campaigns to optimizing advertising strategies, I am dedicated to enhancing your brand's visibility and relevance in today's competitive landscape. Let's work together to decipher market insights, refine your brand message, and propel your business towards sustained success

proffesional practices

contract Evaliation & Negotiation

At MJH Consulting, I specialize in negotiating contracts with ad agencies and public relations firms, securing favorable terms tailored to your business needs. Leveraging my expertise and industry insights, I ensure efficient allocation of resources to maximize ROI. Let's work together to craft agreements that drive brand visibility and propel your business forward